Sunday, April 10, 2011

Spring Wildflowers

Spring Wildflowers
I love how these Bluebonnets are growing up right in the middle of this country road. This is not far from our house on a little used road.

Doc's Truck Stop in Gonzales, Texas

Trucks parked at Doc's in Gonzales
Doc's Truck Stop or maybe it is Circle G now, but it used to be Doc's for years is at the intersection of Highways 183 and 97 on the south side of Gonzales. They used to have a little truck stop restaurant there but since the building has been rebuilt, it has been replaced with a modern convenience store/truck stop and has a nice steak house attached to it. 

Trucking along in West Texas

Interstate 10 in West Texas

Yep, another post and photo about Interstate 10 in West Texas. This was mentioned in my previous post but I just had to slap up this photo as it is just another view of the views along 10 in Texas.

The cracks in my windshield (not to mention the bugs) are not enhancing the photo any. But I never promised excellence in photography. This blog is for using shots from my cell phone of views that I might see any day out there and you are seeing them just like I saw them.

West Texas Interstates

Along Interstate 10
This picture is typical of West Texas. Along Interstate 10 in western Texas (where the speed limit is 80 miles an hour, and soon to be 85 if the current bill finds it way to the governor's desk) there are many rock cuts like this one.  Wide open spaces and you can drive hundreds of miles from San Antonio to El Paso and deal with less traffic than probably 50 miles of IH35 around Austin or Dallas. It is a relaxing drive and I always enjoy it.

Oh, and the speed limit. Trucks are limited to 70. They shouldn't be in my opinion. I know many trucks are governed but along this highway, open it up I say. If I understood correctly, the current bill in the Texas legislature will remove the day/night split speed limit in Texas (the only state with such foolishness) and will also remove any remaining truck/car speed limit splits. That will be nice when we all head to west Texas.

Welcome to Texas

Welcome to Texas
This is almost not in Texas but it is Texas. Last Monday I was coming down US 285 from Artesia and Carlsbad, New Mexico enroute to Ft. Stockton, Texas and Interstate 10 and ultimately home. I was following my son who was pulling a horse trailer with his Dodge. He was in the process of moving back to Texas after a sojourn in New Mexico of three or four years. 

This photo was likely shot right on the line as there is a Texas state line sign and then a bit further the huge "Welcome To Texas" sign you see.