Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Good Year for Hay

Hay field along US 59 near George West
This year with all the spring rains was a good year for hay in Texas; if you could get it cut with all the rain that was falling. Well the rain has diminished and we would be happy to see another rain. But I am seeing a lot of fields like this one along US 59 near George West with lots of hay bales in it.

City of Freer Texas

Freer Texas
Looking down the main drag west to east of Freer Texas as you approach the city from the Laredo side.

This town has an annual rattlesnake roundup every March. A large concrete rattlesnake greets you as you approach the city from the east.

The first oil well in Texas was drilled here in 1860.

For more information on this city, Click here.

Freer Texas area

Texas 44 near Freer Texas
I travel this road occasionally. It goes right through the heart of the typical countryside you will see coming from Laredo and the border area going east.   This was taken a few miles from Freer on a summer afternoon in August.